Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Music Videos

A music video is a videotaped performance of a recorded popular song. It is usually accompanied by dance or a fragmentary story. Music videos often use convert footage

Marketing brand or artist. Want to make success of it; money.

Typically music videos are 3-5 minutes long, they frequently include quick cuts, stylisation, fanciful.

They can accommodate all style of filmmaking, including animation, live action, documentary and non-narrative, abstract film

The proliferation of music videos came in the 80’s.

Performance music video:
  • many music videos include performance of the artists as part of the video
  • It was from clips of performances that music videos developed

Concept music video:
  • concept videos are based around a single idea or concept and are usually unusual or obscure, even surreal for an audience. The unusual content is an attraction to many consumers, which draws them in
  • A successful concept video will keep the audience entertained and constantly looking at what or who is on the screen

Narrative Music video:
  • often the video tells a story either that features in the lyrics or is suggested In the lyrics eg girl dumps boy
  • This narrative can be like a mini film, with a beginning, middle and end
  • Or it can suggest some links to a story
  • It can promote a film with c,it’s from the film including telling a story

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